Newts. Tadpoles and Earth Day

On a rather quiet and sleepy day, spending all the time at home with no thought of doing anything very social I decided to advertise the fact that our pond was full of tadpoles on the village email network to see what would happen.

The first result was a visit from a lady at the other end of the village who's tadpoles had all died in the frost a few weeks ago.  We'd never met before and had a very pleasant chat and disccovered that we both have the same make of campervan, a MURVI (Multiple Use Recreational Vehicle - Ivybridge).  So that was one good contact made.

The second visit was from three young boys who had caught some tadpoles and newts somewhere else and wanted to give them a better home as they were simply living in a large dish. So they released them in the pond and we had a long conversation about tadpoles, frogs, newts and ponds in general.  It was so encouraging to see how excited and interested they were, even to admiring the swimming style of one of our frogs which had put in an appearance.  It was so refreshing to see their enthusiasm and how informed they were.  I sensed a few new potential Greta Thunbergs in the making.  It certainly made my day and so glad I'd decided to post the message! All without leaving the garden.

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