Hong Kong MinNam Church

This morning I attended worship at the MinNam Church which is an Amoy congregation worshipping primarily in the Fujian dialect so there was translation of the sermon from Cantonese for the congregation and into English via headphones for Michael Jagessar and myself.

In many ways it is a very traditional style of worshp that would be familiar to most non-conformists in the UK, including the titles and tunes of the hymns even if the actual words remain incomprehensible.  it is remarjkably easy to feel at home in this setting not least because of the warmth of the welcome.

English is, of course, spoken by many people here so when I gave a welcome and spoke for a few moments before it was translated, there were quite a few people who clearly understood, nodding at appropriate times.

The hospitality is very generous.  We were given lunch in a 1 start Michelin resturant opposite the church and treated to some typical Cantonese delicacies.  I am used to Chinese food in England but was challenged by the pig lung and chicken foot soup!

Later in the day we wandered around some of the local markets which make no differentiation between days of the week.  As many have discovered before, Hong Kong is a vibrant and lively city with some of the densest crowds on the streets you can encounter anywhere.

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