The First Joint Methodist - URC Council

The meeting was held from October 13th to 15th October at the Swanwick conference centre. Its origins of  lay in the joint resolution presented to both Methodist Conference and URC General Assembly in 2008. There has been a liaison group in existence for some time, dealing with grass roots issues whilst at the same time the Strategic Oversight Group, consisting of the Moderators and Presidents, the general secretariat of both churches and the shared treasurer has looked at more 'conceptual' issues of working together and the potentials for closer union. It was this group which organised the joint council. In the event there were probably those who would have liked the councils to have achieved much more, especially given that one of the papers which came to the meeting was a proposal to work towards a uniting church with the Church of England. The meeting stayed, by and large, on a 'getting to know' you level with the exception of issues in the area of youth and children's work which demonstrated that there are certain areas where there is already close co-operation.
One session introduced the URC practice of consensus decision making although there was little chance for Methodists to experience it in use. What it served to remind people of, perhaps, is the fact that despite the close similarity which exists in many ways, there are strong cultural differences which still distinguish us. Those differences may be less obvious than the differences which separate us or the Methodists from the C of E, but they are none the less real. Recognising and overcoming(?) cultural differences takes time and a gradually developing maturity. Such things do not happen overnight although when that has been achieved resulting changes can be swift. I believe we need to have the wisdom for patience but also the courage to act when we believe the time is right.
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