39th Assembly of the Congregational Federation on Saturday May 8th 2010 in Leicester

Young people at the assembly performing a sketch on inclusivity in the church

The federation comprises about 300 churches which did not join the union of the URC in 1972 and have continued in their own federation since then. There are still a number of ways in which we still cooperate including through the Council for World Mission and more recently by joining the Fresh Expressions movement.

The assembly felt familiar and yet different. It was short, all contained in one day with only a fraction of the business of a URC General Assembly, and informal in feel. The majority of the agenda was focused on various things that were happening including the CF's support for a Christian Aid project, stories of different congregations' work and the 30th anniversary of their integrated training programme. There were many stories of success and optimism, nothing dramatic but quietly positive. I couldn't help thinking that what seemed like a much less organised structure has much to commend it.  

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