More Perspectives

While I was looking for a way of setting up a blog for something else, I found, to my amazement, this blog started in 2009 when I first began working as the URC's Ecumenical Officer. It has posts on it that I put up when I took part in the World Council of Churches Assembly in South Korea in 2013 and various other activities. It was not only an act of nostalgia to read them but also informative. So I have kept them and any reader will realise that there is quite a gap between the dates of those posts and more recent ones, neveretheless, perhaps you will find them equally interesting. I retired in 2017 and have made various attempts to start a blog which has usually involved complicated tinkering with Wordpress or such which has taken so much time that I haven't ended up doing what it was originally intended for. There's a lesson there somewhere, I'm sure. So this post is put up in April 2021 towards the end of what we hope will be the last lockdown in...