
Showing posts from 2011

Coptic Orthodox Memorial Service

How quickly the focus of the news passes on from one massacre to another. By the time I had attended a memorial yesterday for the Coptic Christians killed in Alexandria, the media was full of the shooting in Tuczon, Arizona. It seems most likely that that shooting will be judged the result of a single, unstable individual but is already generating much discussion about the health of American society and politics. That would seem to be the only connection with the situation in Egypt where it is the attitude on the part of some to the country's small Coptic Orthodox population which is the issue. The memorial service, which followed the rite of a funeral liturgy, was not only for those killed on New Year's eve but for others killed during 2010 in Nag-Hammadi and Giza. The situation seems to be deteriorating but it led to Bishop Aengelos reminding us in his address that Christians have no enemies. It seems a strange comment but what he meant was that Christians should not see