Society for Ecumenical Studies AGM
The society held its AGM this evening at St Joseph's church in KensIngton. It's one of the groups which has brought together theologians and others who are enthusiastic about Ecumenism. Many have long memories of when there was a real hope of a united Protestant church in the UK and some of them were instrumental in trying to create it. Times have changed though and the society's membership has shrunk. Nevertheless it voted to continue under the chairmanship of Elizabeth Welch and to forge new links and look for new ways of working. I think one of the useful roles it may be able to explore is to connect gras roots experience with 'national' levels of theology. Because it is a voluntary group, perhaps it can achieve some things more informally working with some of the other more formal bodies to which people are appointed? Early days perhaps but there are possibilities and given the number of people who were there with Milton Keynes connections there could be the cha...